Monday, October 26, 2009

The Undecided Writer

It was dark and cold. I could not see past my nose as I reached out and grabbed the
No. That was not going to be my story. DELETE. Lets try again.
The smell of sweet roses wafted over me
Wafted? Sounds like waffles, which is what this is. A load of waffle. And roses were such a cliche.
The scent of lilac surrounded me the moment I stepped into the garden.
Much better. On to the second sentence.
The sun warmed up my cheeks, and I smiled as I
The moon lit up the garden as I searched for
The hidden key? No, to Nancy Drew. I needed something a little less goody- two shoes.
as I searched for Robert, the kitchen boy.
Scandalous! I loved it!
As I came around the corner I saw him. He took me up in his arms and said
No. Scratch that. DELETE.
As I came around the corner, I found to my dismay, Luther, my betrothed.
"Why Anna, what are you doing out here?" he asked with an evil grin.
"I-uh- thought I would take a moonlit stroll. It's such a nice night for it."
"Well, then," he said placing his arm around me and steering me down the path. "Let's walk."
Suddenly, Robert ran out of the shadows, kitchen knife in DELETE sword in hand.
"Where are we going?" I asked Luther.
"Right here." He said stopping. From an overhanging branch hung a corpse from its neck.
"Robert!" I screamed in agony. I collapsed on the ground in tears.
No, no, no, Anna was stringer than that. DELETE.
Tears sprung from my eyes as I pulled out my knife from my petticoat.
"Murderer!" I screamed at Luther. Fear crossed his face and he began to back away.
"I did it for us, Anna," he pleaded, "I loved you, and that wretch was going to ruin you, and he was stealing you away from me..."
"He didn't make me dislike you," I screeched, "You did that all on your own!"
The End.
I loved cliffhangers.

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