Friday, November 6, 2009

Out of this World

I always knew my best friends and I were completely out of this world. I just didn't know it was so literal. It started with Trayton. We were at Michelle G.'s house for a sleep over one night, whispering (kind of) to keep from waking up her parents. Trayton threw her pillow at us to get our attention.
"Hey guys!" She whispered, "I want to tell you a secret! Well, you have probably all have noticed I'm not exactly normal..."
"That's an understatement," Emma laughed. Trayton gave her a playful punch, (which if you have ever been given one by her you know that they hurt) and continued.
"Anyway, it's for a reason. I'm not from this planet. My real name is Tri-47 and I come from Planet X."
There were a few, awkward, laughs from each of us.
"No, I'm serious," Trayton frowned, "Watch, I can prove it..." After a moment of concentration on her behalf, two bug like feelers began to grow out of her hair. All of us watched in awe.
"You guys are my best friends, I wanted you to know," she said looking down, "I can understand if you no longer want to be around me..."
"No way!" Emma cried. "Seriously? I'm from Mercury! Look!" She held her hand over one of the candles we had out until it caught fire. "It's a hotter temperature there, so heat doesn't bother me. My real name is Emagé."
"Not so loud," I cautioned, "Someone is going to hear you."
"Don't worry about my family," Michelle said, "They won't tell anybody. We're from Venus, the sister planet."
"No way!" was the collective reply.
"Way. My real name is Gilliana."
One by one, everybody began to reveal who they were and what planet they were really from. Jessi was actually Jezzy, from Mars. Michelle E. was Mihir and hailed from Saturn. Eliza was a proud Jupierite named Elix. Diondra's real name was Deedee and she was from Neptune. Only Rachel was from Earth. It should have come as no surprise that we were all aliens. As they say, "aliens bizarre collect from wide and far."
"This is weird," said Eliza, I mean, Elix, "We have someone from almost every planet in the solar system."
About that time, I burst into tears.
"Savannah, what's wrong?" asked Gilliana, "Do you feel left out? Are you not from another planet?"
"My name is not Savannah, it's Salyisa and I AM from another planet!" I sobbed, "Pluto's a planet too!"

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