Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweet Awakening

The door opened ve-e-ry slowly. I knew what was coming; my wake up call. I had been slowly regaining consciousness for the past five minutes, but still could not bring myself to get up. It was Saturday, and I had been up late the night before. Only my guilt kept me from being annoyed at the fact that it was time to get up. Everyone else had gotten up hours before. I opened my eyes just a slit so it appeared that I was still sleeping. My nearsightedness gave the room a hazed, underwater look. Two, small, brown haired blurs tiptoed across the room.
"Nina?" the smallest blur asked, "Nina sweep?"
I opened one eye wider and peered at her. It was Emma, my one year old sister.
"It's time for breakfast Nina," the second blur, my five year old brother, Seth, said. "Daddy made pancakes."
I sat up and stretched.
"Good morning guys," I said, taking them up in a hug. "I missed you."
Because they lived in South Carolina, I only got to see them about once or twice a month.
"I missed you too," said Seth. "I love you."
"H-io-ow," said Emma, which was her way of saying I love you. She could probably pronounce it correctly now, but it was so cute none of us had bothered to correct her.
"Come on," I told them. "Lets go get breakfast."

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