Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Max's Greatest Gift.

The greatest gift I have ever received was given to me for no reason at all by my son, Luke. We were in the mountains on vacation one weekend and the very first shop we entered he found what he wanted to buy. He was willing to pay for the prize himself. Worried that he would later regret the quick spending, I warned him that buying the toy he wanted would take up the majority of his spending money. Luke assured me that he knew what he was doing and I allowed him to take responsibility of his own money.
At a different store later on in the day, Luke became infatuated with a small geode that happened to be one dollar over his budget. He sent me a pitiful look but I stood my ground. Luke would have to learn to manage his money better. But of course, guilt began to eat its way at me. He only needed one more dollar. Not to long afterwards my strong reserve crumbled out from underneath me. I procured a dollar from my wallet and offered it to him. To my surprise, he refused it.
"No thanks Dad," He said, "It just wouldn't feel right."
I was a little confused by the statement. Luke certainly never had trouble taking money from me before. I took it that the lesson I had tried to teach him was well learned, and I congratulated myself for it.
Not long afterward, Luke found something more suited to his budget. It was a polished rock, but unlike any I had ever seen. It was an amber color and its hue was made consistently of sparkles. It was beautiful. Luke paid for it and we made our way outside.
When we reached the curb I felt Luke's little hand slip in and out of my pocket. Upon further investigation, I found he slipped the rock into my pocket.
"I'm not going to carry it for you," I told him, "It's yours. You have to keep up with it."
He looked hurt that I did not understand.
"No, Dad." he explained, "I bought it for you."
It would not be an exaggeration on my part to say that I was stunned. I did not expect to get anything on this trip, let alone a gift. I felt awful. I had made Luke buy his own souvenir and he bought me something too? This was not how it was supposed to work. I was the father. I was supposed to provide for him and I hadn't. I could not think of anything to express just how I felt. What he did had been incredibly sweet and I had been almost unforgivable in comparison. I was furious with myself, but did not let it show.
"For me?" I asked, "Thank you Buddy. But why?"
"Because I love you," He said with a shrug as if it was obvious. Perhaps it was.

This is a 500 word essay done from the point-of-view of my main character from my story, Steel Horizons. I enjoyed writing this because this scenario actually occurred between me and my father. It was fun adapting it to these two characters and puts an emphasis on their deep father-son bond. However it was not fun because it was 500 words minimum, and the words needed to be hand counted. Yuck.

Description- Office

The room looked like it might once have been an office. It had an office type feel to it somehow, buried beneath the terror it now brought. One chair and a desk outfitted with three computer monitors were the only things in sight and the darkness was only penetrated by by the light emitted from the computer screens. There was a dark stain on the floor that I believed to be blood. No! Let me out! I thought as the darkness smothered me and the room's chilly air bit me as it caressed my skin. There was something about the room that told me,
"You will not be coming out of here breathing."
I struggled slightly with those who led me inside. I would not go willingly into what I believed what was to become my crypt. My effort was wasted. I was brought inside and the door was locked behind me. The room smelled so foul I could taste it. It only took a moment to realize that the smell was that of a not-long-passed death. Every time I inhaled the essence of death clawed its way farther down my throat. Death was coursing through me before I was even dead yet.

Description of the room my character, Max, was forcefully held in my story, Steel Horizons.

Description- Luke

Luke stared at me with a pitiful mixture of fright and relief in his eyes. He made a noise through his gag that sounded like a wounded kitten. I wanted to embrace him, wipe the rough tear stains away from his cheeks, and tell him that it would all be okay. But how could I say that everything was going to be alright? Everything about him: his tall but defensive posture, his tragedy filled eyes, all screamed that he knew the situation was nothing close to alright. I could see his belief that the heroes always win deteriorate before my eyes. The harder he held onto his hopes the more they slipped away.
Jacob gave me a smile with a look in his eyes that told me he could smell my anticipation and Luke's fear. He produced a gun and cocked it before leveling it with Luke's head. Luke began to shake and several precious tears slipped down his face. I could taste the copper-flavored fear in my mouth as I thought, Not Luke. Not my son.

Description of the character Luke from my story Steel Horizons.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Children's Book

(Page 1) One day Ms. Beyer had a special announcement.
"Today we have a very special guest," said Ms. Beyer. "It is Savannah, Kristina's big sister. She is going to show us some interesting creatures today."
"Hello," Savannah smiled.
Picture: Ms. Beyer and Savannah.
(Page 2) "What is that on your shoulder?" Sean asked.
"Oh, this little guy?" Savannah asked, "His name is Fuz. He is a Wuzzle."
"I've never heard of a Wuzzle before," said Caroline, "Is he real?"
"Of course he's real," Savannah said, "But only if you believe in him. Do you want to hold him?" All of the children said yes and took turns holding Fuz.
Picture: Savannah and Fuz
(Page 3) "There is more where Fuz came from!" Savannah smiled, "Look at this."
She held in her hand a pretty little fairy.
"Oh! She's so beautiful!" cried Zasia.
"Can I hold her?" asked Aly.
"Me next!" said Kristina.
Picture: Fairy
(Page 4) After the classmates were able to see the fairy, Savannah brought in her friend, the troll. He, Sam, Delaney, and Kadilobari began laughing and telling riddles.
"Why is a Teddy Bear always hungry?" asked the troll.
"Why?" asked the children.
"Because he's stuffed!" the troll laughed.
Picture: Troll
(Page 5) Savannah then took the class outside to the fish pond out in the garden. To everyone's surprise it had grown into a small lake!
Picture: Lake
(Page 6) A mermaid was waiting on the rocks for them. Ryan A. got to look in the mermaid's mirror, and Robin brushed the mermaid's hair with her magic brush.
"You are so pretty," said Zoe.
"You are all beautiful too." the mermaid told them, "Just remember it is also important to be beautiful on the inside."
Picture: Mermaid
(Page 7) "What's that?" asked Ethan and pointed at the water.
"I think it is a sea serpent! Cool!" cried Rufus, as he and Ethan both crawled up on the sea serpent's back.
Picture: Sea Serpent
(Page 8) "What's next?" Sari asked Savannah.
"Here is something you might enjoy," said Savannah, leading the class to the field between the garden and the playground. It had two magical winged horses.
Sari was able to get a ride on one of them way up in the air.
Picture: Horses
(Page 9) "Oh cool! A fire bird" said Sean, running up to it. "This is the best creature yet!"
"Be careful not to burn yourself!" Ms. Beyer warned. The bird sang a happy tune and put on a flying show for them all.
Picture: Firebird
(Page 10) "Wow!" Miles gasped,
"A dragon!" Caroline smiled.
"Is he dangerous?" asked Will.
"Of course not," said Savannah. "Go right ahead."
"This is so awesome!" Kyler said as he petted the dragon's scales.
Picture: Dragon
(Page 11)
"Another dragon!" Devon pointed.
"So cool!" Christopher cried.
"Totally!" Ryan R. agreed.
Picture: Dragon
(Page 12) "Are there any more animals?" Sam asked.
"I'm afraid not," said Savannah, "but all of you have been so good. I will make sure to come again soon." After all of the children had said goodbye to Savannah and her magical creatures, everything disappeared with a snap of Savannah's fingers.
Picture: Snapping fingers
(Page 13) Then, to everyone's surprise they were back in their cottage and nothing had changed.
"I'm sorry class," said Ms. Beyer, "I have some bad news. Kristina's sister cannot visit us today. She will have to come some other time." The children were all confused. Savannah hadn't come? Had it all been their imaginations?
Picture: Unchanged classroom
(Page 14) What do you think?
Picture: Fuz half-way behind pencil cup.

Color Key:
Normal- dialogue and written story
Red- pictures or elements inside pictures I have not yet drawn
Blue- pictures I have drawn.


"Stop the car," Jacob ordered.
"Yes sir," the driver replied.
"Get him out of the back. I will be in the office."
"Yes sir," the driver said again as Jacob left. The car door opened. "We're here sweetheart," He smiled at me as he took off my gag. "Don't even think about screaming. This building has been abandoned for years by everyone except the hobos that call it home. And even they won't come down into the garage."
"Why is that?" I asked.
"They think it's haunted. But the screams they heard didn't come from people who were already dead; not yet dead anyway."

This is the dialogue version of a primarily narrated portion of my story Steel Horizons.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Can you imagine? A high school with the sons and daughters of the most influential people in the world. Steel Horizons recently gave to them the newest and most proficient security cameras in the world to protect Mr. and Mrs. High-and-Mighty's little darlings. But do you want to know what is really on those tapes, my friend? Blackmail. This Congresswoman's son is a drug dealer; that Senator's daughter is sleeping with her teacher, and what blackmail cannot be obtained can be forged. It 's downright beautiful. Mommy and Daddy will do anything to keep that kind of information a secret to protect their babies future. Just think about it: hundreds of people all voting how I want them to vote, passing laws I want to be passed, and acting how I want them to act. Can you imagine it, Max, the sheer power of it all? I have to admit; I'm pretty excited.

Monologue from Jacob, a character from my story Steel Horizons.


Louis made certain his head was held high. It was going to be the last time he had a head, so he displayed it with pride. The crowd jeered at him and threw rotting fruit in his direction. They were trying to get a reaction out of him: a last outburst of anger so that they might have a reason for hating him when his time came. They would be disappointed. Louis would keep his dignity. The executioner and a little man carrying several scrolls came up onto the platform with him. The man juggled the scrolls around until he found the one he was searching for and began to read it .
"Louis Monegasque," he squeaked, "You have been charged of treason against his majesty and furthermore convicted of committing villainy, thievery, and murder. Due to these abominations before man and God-"
Louis stopped listening. He had indeed committed all that he was accused of but his treason, villainy, thievery, and murder had only applied to the tyrannous, villains, thieves, and murderers. His gallantry was the only thing that condemned him now. 
"... should you repent before God and divulge the names of your companions,  your life will be spared." 
Why not? Louis thought, All of my companions are dead, so it is of no consequence. Just one little lie and I will be allowed to live. 
"No." Louis finally said.
"Then I here-by sentence you to death."

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Steel Horizons

"Jacob, I think someone is following me," I said in a hushed whisper as I looked over my shoulder.
"Hmm? Why is that?" Jacob asked as he kicked a rock along the sidewalk.
"Well I keep seeing these people dressed in suits everywhere, you know, the classic FBI getup. They were at work, in the subway, and now here too."
Jacob looked around at the sleepy suburban street.
"I don't see anything," He shrugged. "And as for your job, you work for Steel Horizons, one of the top security programmers in the world. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if some government officials were hanging around. You need to stop being so paranoid, it's a little narcissistic."
"I guess you're right. I am being a little silly," I said to my shoes, sorry I brought it up in the first place. Jacob and I weren't even really good friends anyway, just acquaintances from college. He had gotten into a bit of a rough spot, so I lent him the guest house and I was trying to help him find a job. Jacob continued to kick his little rock and I let him do so in silence. There was a screech behind me and I turned to see what it was.
"What in the world?" I asked as I saw the black van skid along the road. "Crazy drunk driv-" A splitting pain hit my head and caused black spots to cross my vision. The next thing I saw was the sidewalk five inches from my face. Rough hands pulled me up and shoved me into the van door.
"No..." I moaned as the door swung shut and the car sped away. Someone shoved me to the van floor and began binding my wrists together with a plastic zip-tie. Soon after that they gagged me with a rag that tasted like motor oil. What was going on? Who was doing this? I craned my head and found Jacob in the passengers seat turning around to smirk at me.
"Just because you are paranoid, Max, doesn't mean they aren't really after you," He told me before turning back around. Why? I wanted to ask. What do you have to gain from this? Then I realized that he had told me himself.
"You work for Steel Horizons," He had said, "one of the top security programmers in the world." I couldn't believe it. This was the man I had been trying to help when he said he needed me... Needed me. There was another key phrase. Jacob had been subtly hinting at what he was planning to do the entire time.
It was awhile before the car finally stopped and they pulled me out. I had no idea where I was except for the vague notion that I was in one of those large garages at the bottom of buildings. By the look of the place it had not been used in a long time. My hostile escorts dragged me to a dark room that might have once been some sort of office. I struggled, not allowing myself to go into what I believed would become my crypt, but to no avail. My captors dragged me inside despite my physical protests. The room contained a desk outfitted with three computer monitors that came with their own generator. Their screens offered the only light. Jacob nodded to one of the men, who then sat me down. One of the others locked the door behind us.
"Now Max. You are going to hack into Steel Horizons firewall and piggyback our monitoring device to the system. Got that?" Jacob asked cheerfully as he pulled the rag away from my mouth. I gagged as I attempted not to heave oil-flavored bile.
"Why?" I managed to ask.
"Why?" Jacob laughed, "I'll tell you why: Berkley High School in Washington, D.C. Can you imagine? A high school with the sons and daughters of the most influential people in the world. Steel Horizons recently gave to them the newest and most proficient security cameras in the world to protect Mr. and Mrs. High-and-Mighty's little darlings. But do you want to know what is really on those tapes, my friend? Blackmail. This Congresswoman's son is a drug dealer; that Senator's daughter is sleeping with her teacher, and what blackmail cannot be obtained can be forged. It 's downright beautiful. Mommy and Daddy will do anything to keep that kind of information a secret to protect their babies future. Just think about it: hundreds of people all voting how I want them to vote, passing laws I want to be passed, and acting how I want them to act. Can you imagine the sheer power of it all? I have to admit, Max; I'm pretty excited. "
"And if I refuse?" I asked with a false sense of bravado. I knew that I wasn't in the best position to refuse.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. I was prepared enough to bring along incentive." He walked over to the closet and opened the door. My ten-year-old son, Luke, was inside, just as bound and gagged as I had been. Of course, I was such an idiot! Jacob had offered to walk him to school today. Luke must have been here all day, alone and scared. He looked at me now with a pitiful mixture of relief and fright in his eyes. I wanted to take him up in my arms and tell him that it would all be okay. But how could I say that everything was going to be alright? Everything about him: his tall but defensive posture, his tragedy filled eyes, all screamed that he knew the situation was nothing close to alright.
Jacob gave me a smile with a look in his eyes that told me he could sense both my anticipation and Luke's fear. He produced a gun and cocked it before leveling it with Luke's head. Luke began to shake and several precious tears slipped down his face.
"Ready to work Max?" Jacob asked.

This is my story commitment I am working on in class. Tell me what you think...

The Hunt

Once upon a time there was a boy named James who supposed he was around the age of 18. In truth he did not know how old he was for his parents died in an accident when he was three. However, it was not so much of an accident as everyone believed even though he did not know that at the time. One morning James was walking to his high school when he happened upon a bum who would change his life forever.
James was passing one of the shifter ally ways in New York when a figure followed him out of the shadows.
"Hey," it whispered after him, "Jimmy! J-i-i-i-mmy-y-y! Jim! James!"
James turned around surprised but continued to back away.
"How do you know my name?" he asked.
"All of us know your name, Jimmy." The bum said smiling a stubby toothed smile.
"All of who?"
"All of US. You are a slow one, aren't ya, Jimmy? We all know about Jimmy-James. Yes-siree, I know more about you than you do my boy." The bum doubled over laughing. James was beginning to wonder if he was drunk.
"I like you, Jimmy." the bum continued, "You can call me Coot. Everybody does. Anyway, Coot here came to tell ya that they want to meet ya."
"Who wants to meet me?" James asked confused.
"THEY do. You tetched in the head boy? Not very bright. They sent Ol' Coot to say they will see you in the mornin'. Got the message? Good, 'cause Coot's got the willies, and you know what that means. A good old fashioned hunt is starting. A good old fashioned hunt." Coot laughed again and slumped into the shadows.
"What?" James called after him, "Wait come back! Who wants to meet me?"
"The Hunters." Coot replied from deep in the ally.
"Who? What could they possibly be hunting in New York?"
"What are they Hunting?" Coot laughed, "Why Jimmy-James, they're Hunting you."

Reflection: This was the story I wrote to Parker's "Bad Beginning." I ended up changing the beginning here though so it would sound better, but it still could use some work.

Shaggy Dog Story

Once upon a time a man named Steve decided on a whim to visit an antique shop that was having a sale. Most of the items were just junk, but Steve was captivated by an old oil lamp that looked straight out of Arabian Nights. He was so happy with his find that he bought it and took it home.
That night as he was cleaning it a genie popped out! At first Steve was ecstatic because he believed he would get to make three wishes. He soon was disappointed as he discovered the genie did not offer wishes, but instead, three choices.
"You may chose which of these you would rather be: blind, deaf, or dumb." said the genie. Steve was horrified. He didn't know which sense he wanted to give up. Steve was a member of a band and needed to be able to hear and speak. Steve was also smart enough to know that humans received 90% of their information from sight. As he contemplated his choice he whispered out loud,
"To see, or not to see, that is the question."

Reflection: Hardy har har... It is fun to write these stories but I just kind of feel that it is wasted. So much work and trouble goes into making them just so people can roll their eyes at them later.

Bad Beginnings

The sunlight sliced through the day like a double bladed sword in the hand of an enemy who wielded it in order to obtain two halves of your head bleeding at his feet, and was just as deadly as said enemy to the couple, the two travelers unlucky enough to get lost in the Sahara without the benefit of water.

Reflection: This sentence was written for a "bad beginnings" contest and I must say it has the bad part down pat. I hope never to write such an awful sentence again. If I ever should, someone please whack me over the head with a frying pan.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blood Enemies

"What makes you so certain that you will succeed where so many others before you have failed?" The Queen inquired of me. She was as intimidating as she was beautiful: and so very out of my league, I reminded myself.
" I have my own reasons for wanting the Warlock dead, and both you and I have nothing to lose by sending me." I replied as to evade the question, "And should I prevail I ask for no reward save for the satisfaction I will receive."
In truth I would receive no satisfaction whatsoever, but I could not stand the idea of being paid to kill someone. The Queen thought about my appealing offer for a moment before nodding.
"Very well Lord Tristan. I grant you leave for your quest." She said.
I bowed in respect before turning and leaving the hall. Once outside of the Queen's palace my waiting pet crow, Corbie, flew to my shoulder.
"Craw!" she cried, flapping her wings with impatience to hear the news.
"We got him," I assured her. "We got him."
Corbie quieted and I was left to my thoughts. Did we want to get him? Could I slit his throat when the time came? I had no choice now. I would have to go through with it.
The journey to the Warlocks Manor took three days. With Corbie scouting the road ahead we avoided all physical danger but each step I took was harder to take than the last. Only Corbie gave me the strength to keep from running as fast and far away as I could. When we reached the Manor the door was unlocked and unguarded. We walked straight on through into the parlor. The Warlock stood beside the fireplace mantle looking out of the big bay window.
"Hello Tristan. I've been expecting you." He said without looking my way.
"You have gone way to far Jeremiah." I said placing my sword between him and myself.
"Come to kill me?" He laughed, "We both know you aren't strong enough."
"Why did you do it Jerry?" I asked dropping the swords tip to the ground, "Why did you do it?"
"Because I can. Wouldn't you do the same if you could? If you had the power?"
"No. I wouldn't."
"Poor Tristan. So weak. I will miss you when you are dead, I really will." He began to pull his wand from his sleeve.
"Craw!" Corbie cried out in warning. A surge of adrenaline coursed through me. I pulled up my sword, ran toward him, and raked my blade across his neck. Jeremiah gasped and collapsed against the wall.
"I guess... I was... mistaken." Jerry managed to pant. Then his eyes closed and he crumpled to the floor. I fell to my knees with him. I closed my eyes and gasped for air. A hand fluttered to my shoulder. It was Corbie. Jeremiah's spell had been lifted from her upon his death. She returned to being the black haired, dark eyed beauty she had been before.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked looking at Jeremiah's face. Even in death it was clear we had been identical. "Why didn't you tell me he was your brother?"
I closed my eyes again to keep the tears from escaping and hissed,
"That man is not my brother."

Reflection: I love, love, love writing about betrayals, especially between brothers. It is the ultimate evil to betray those who have given you nothing but love and loyalty. The best part that I like about Blood Enemies is Tristan's mindset; just who is betraying whom?

Help Wanted

"And she disappears!" the magician cried pulling away his cape. The crowd gasped and applauded. His assistant had vanished!
After the trick the audience departed murmuring about the shows highlights. Once they left the magicians stage smile fell with a sigh. He then put up a sign in the window that read: MAGICIANS ASSISTANT WANTED.

Reflection: This is my 55 word story. It was difficult to write, but easier as soon as you know just what your twist is going to be. This story is dedicated to my red-head friend in creative writing class, the REAL magicians assistant.

Ghost Ship

"There is a ship ahead of us Captain!" one of the navigators yelled.
"Radio them. I want to know who they are and what they are doing here." Captain Shar ordered. He didn't want one soul on this cruise to be hurt on account of a miscommunication error or sloppy navigation. There would be no mistakes.
"Sir, I don't believe that is possible."
"Well why not?" Captain Shar snapped. The navigator pointed out the window. They had now come close enough to see the craft. It was an old fashioned ship. Like a pirate ship.
"What is this?" the Captain mumbled aloud, "One of those party ships you can rent? Or maybe it's some sort of set for a movie?"
"Maybe sir."
"Keep trying to get a hold of someone." Captain Shar ordered as he walked out on deck.
"Yes sir."
Outside the passengers were all oohing and ahhing over the strange ship which was now far too close for comfort.
"Captain!" a breathless sailor gasped, "The ship!"
"I am aware of it. Please carry on with our business."
"No Captain! There is no one on it! Not one person!"
"What?" Captain Shar asked running to the starboard railing to see for himself. True to the sailor's word there wasn't a sign of life in sight. The steering wheel moved as if someone was controlling it but nobody stood at its helm. The rigging swung unused in the wind.
"Should we deploy a search party?" The sailor asked. Captain Shar thought about the suggestion, then shook his head. Like many Captains he was highly superstitious.
"Leave it alone. Let it have its solitude; it is all that it has left."

The only thing I do not like about my story Ghost Ship is that it doesn't really end where I want it to. It ends too quickly and without necessary conflict. If I had unlimited space I would have allowed Captain Shar to board the Ghost Ship and have him gain an audience with the ghosts themselves...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Variation of Jabberwocky By SEA

‘Twas brillig in the lock days
For milsted filsome Jabberwock:
All mimsy borogroves in their stays
And habhan momes for the fock.

“Beware the Jabberwock!” cry they,
“It is vigiant, it is lye!
End must come to its goray,
The Jabberwock must die!”

He stood tall, held his sword
That with the nantran bite,
And with a york ran toward
The Jabberwock in the night.

The Jabberwock stood matran;
Hoared in his poy fear.
Bitten by the the sword nantran
Let lose one woy tear.

“Let me alone! The rest are tray,
of Jabberwocks I am the last!”
But his wos, lock cry fell vay
And his kie end came all too fast.

He returned to town with its head
And the people let out a bock!
While the ransent creatures dread
the kier end of the of the Jabberwock.

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Beware of the forest elves my dear young ones.
Do not follow their laughter.
Do not listen to whatever they should tell you; 
You won't live happily ever after.

Avoid the faeries at all costs my children.
Never step in their ring
or they will quickly steal you away
before you can do anything.

Fear all of the magical creatures
that might be raging wild
unless you wish to be replaced 
by a changeling child.

The Last Magic

Deep within the fortress walls of stone
lies the object, dormant and safe,
hidden from those who would use it for evil.
It bides its time
knowing no one can resist the book
and its gateway to Magic.

No one any longer believes in Magic.
Science and reality have been set in stone
ever since the crusaders stole the book
and put it somewhere safe.
It has gone unpracticed for the longest time
in order to shield the world from evil.

The misconceptions that it was evil 
forever doomed sweet Magic,
erased it from time,
and locked it in stone.
Alive and alone but "safe",
the magic pined away in the book.

How it wished to be free from the pages of the book!
It could not decide between good or evil;
to love or hate the humans that tried to keep it safe.
Ever brooding was Magic,
"Do I love or have a heart of stone?
Should I forgive this loss of time?"

After years of endless time
a child stumbled across the book
in its prison amongst the walls foundation stone.
The boy knew nothing of evil,
nor conflict in the heart of Magic
and was not to know that it was unsafe.

Not a soul in the world was safe.
Humans would not fare so well this time.
"Revenge!" cackled Magic,
"Revenge for the Magic of the Book!
 Now, I truly am evil,
after so many years lost in the stone."

Upon hearing Magic the boy closed the book.
To keep the world safe a second time
from Magic's evil he must trap it once again in stone.