Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Louis made certain his head was held high. It was going to be the last time he had a head, so he displayed it with pride. The crowd jeered at him and threw rotting fruit in his direction. They were trying to get a reaction out of him: a last outburst of anger so that they might have a reason for hating him when his time came. They would be disappointed. Louis would keep his dignity. The executioner and a little man carrying several scrolls came up onto the platform with him. The man juggled the scrolls around until he found the one he was searching for and began to read it .
"Louis Monegasque," he squeaked, "You have been charged of treason against his majesty and furthermore convicted of committing villainy, thievery, and murder. Due to these abominations before man and God-"
Louis stopped listening. He had indeed committed all that he was accused of but his treason, villainy, thievery, and murder had only applied to the tyrannous, villains, thieves, and murderers. His gallantry was the only thing that condemned him now. 
"... should you repent before God and divulge the names of your companions,  your life will be spared." 
Why not? Louis thought, All of my companions are dead, so it is of no consequence. Just one little lie and I will be allowed to live. 
"No." Louis finally said.
"Then I here-by sentence you to death."

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