Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Steel Horizons

"Jacob, I think someone is following me," I said in a hushed whisper as I looked over my shoulder.
"Hmm? Why is that?" Jacob asked as he kicked a rock along the sidewalk.
"Well I keep seeing these people dressed in suits everywhere, you know, the classic FBI getup. They were at work, in the subway, and now here too."
Jacob looked around at the sleepy suburban street.
"I don't see anything," He shrugged. "And as for your job, you work for Steel Horizons, one of the top security programmers in the world. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if some government officials were hanging around. You need to stop being so paranoid, it's a little narcissistic."
"I guess you're right. I am being a little silly," I said to my shoes, sorry I brought it up in the first place. Jacob and I weren't even really good friends anyway, just acquaintances from college. He had gotten into a bit of a rough spot, so I lent him the guest house and I was trying to help him find a job. Jacob continued to kick his little rock and I let him do so in silence. There was a screech behind me and I turned to see what it was.
"What in the world?" I asked as I saw the black van skid along the road. "Crazy drunk driv-" A splitting pain hit my head and caused black spots to cross my vision. The next thing I saw was the sidewalk five inches from my face. Rough hands pulled me up and shoved me into the van door.
"No..." I moaned as the door swung shut and the car sped away. Someone shoved me to the van floor and began binding my wrists together with a plastic zip-tie. Soon after that they gagged me with a rag that tasted like motor oil. What was going on? Who was doing this? I craned my head and found Jacob in the passengers seat turning around to smirk at me.
"Just because you are paranoid, Max, doesn't mean they aren't really after you," He told me before turning back around. Why? I wanted to ask. What do you have to gain from this? Then I realized that he had told me himself.
"You work for Steel Horizons," He had said, "one of the top security programmers in the world." I couldn't believe it. This was the man I had been trying to help when he said he needed me... Needed me. There was another key phrase. Jacob had been subtly hinting at what he was planning to do the entire time.
It was awhile before the car finally stopped and they pulled me out. I had no idea where I was except for the vague notion that I was in one of those large garages at the bottom of buildings. By the look of the place it had not been used in a long time. My hostile escorts dragged me to a dark room that might have once been some sort of office. I struggled, not allowing myself to go into what I believed would become my crypt, but to no avail. My captors dragged me inside despite my physical protests. The room contained a desk outfitted with three computer monitors that came with their own generator. Their screens offered the only light. Jacob nodded to one of the men, who then sat me down. One of the others locked the door behind us.
"Now Max. You are going to hack into Steel Horizons firewall and piggyback our monitoring device to the system. Got that?" Jacob asked cheerfully as he pulled the rag away from my mouth. I gagged as I attempted not to heave oil-flavored bile.
"Why?" I managed to ask.
"Why?" Jacob laughed, "I'll tell you why: Berkley High School in Washington, D.C. Can you imagine? A high school with the sons and daughters of the most influential people in the world. Steel Horizons recently gave to them the newest and most proficient security cameras in the world to protect Mr. and Mrs. High-and-Mighty's little darlings. But do you want to know what is really on those tapes, my friend? Blackmail. This Congresswoman's son is a drug dealer; that Senator's daughter is sleeping with her teacher, and what blackmail cannot be obtained can be forged. It 's downright beautiful. Mommy and Daddy will do anything to keep that kind of information a secret to protect their babies future. Just think about it: hundreds of people all voting how I want them to vote, passing laws I want to be passed, and acting how I want them to act. Can you imagine the sheer power of it all? I have to admit, Max; I'm pretty excited. "
"And if I refuse?" I asked with a false sense of bravado. I knew that I wasn't in the best position to refuse.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. I was prepared enough to bring along incentive." He walked over to the closet and opened the door. My ten-year-old son, Luke, was inside, just as bound and gagged as I had been. Of course, I was such an idiot! Jacob had offered to walk him to school today. Luke must have been here all day, alone and scared. He looked at me now with a pitiful mixture of relief and fright in his eyes. I wanted to take him up in my arms and tell him that it would all be okay. But how could I say that everything was going to be alright? Everything about him: his tall but defensive posture, his tragedy filled eyes, all screamed that he knew the situation was nothing close to alright.
Jacob gave me a smile with a look in his eyes that told me he could sense both my anticipation and Luke's fear. He produced a gun and cocked it before leveling it with Luke's head. Luke began to shake and several precious tears slipped down his face.
"Ready to work Max?" Jacob asked.

This is my story commitment I am working on in class. Tell me what you think...

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