Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ghost Ship

"There is a ship ahead of us Captain!" one of the navigators yelled.
"Radio them. I want to know who they are and what they are doing here." Captain Shar ordered. He didn't want one soul on this cruise to be hurt on account of a miscommunication error or sloppy navigation. There would be no mistakes.
"Sir, I don't believe that is possible."
"Well why not?" Captain Shar snapped. The navigator pointed out the window. They had now come close enough to see the craft. It was an old fashioned ship. Like a pirate ship.
"What is this?" the Captain mumbled aloud, "One of those party ships you can rent? Or maybe it's some sort of set for a movie?"
"Maybe sir."
"Keep trying to get a hold of someone." Captain Shar ordered as he walked out on deck.
"Yes sir."
Outside the passengers were all oohing and ahhing over the strange ship which was now far too close for comfort.
"Captain!" a breathless sailor gasped, "The ship!"
"I am aware of it. Please carry on with our business."
"No Captain! There is no one on it! Not one person!"
"What?" Captain Shar asked running to the starboard railing to see for himself. True to the sailor's word there wasn't a sign of life in sight. The steering wheel moved as if someone was controlling it but nobody stood at its helm. The rigging swung unused in the wind.
"Should we deploy a search party?" The sailor asked. Captain Shar thought about the suggestion, then shook his head. Like many Captains he was highly superstitious.
"Leave it alone. Let it have its solitude; it is all that it has left."

The only thing I do not like about my story Ghost Ship is that it doesn't really end where I want it to. It ends too quickly and without necessary conflict. If I had unlimited space I would have allowed Captain Shar to board the Ghost Ship and have him gain an audience with the ghosts themselves...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Savannah! You are quite "the writer". I am SO PROUD of you.....and I love you too. Keep up that writing girl. Thanks for making my ship your subject.
