Thursday, September 24, 2009

Children's Book

(Page 1) One day Ms. Beyer had a special announcement.
"Today we have a very special guest," said Ms. Beyer. "It is Savannah, Kristina's big sister. She is going to show us some interesting creatures today."
"Hello," Savannah smiled.
Picture: Ms. Beyer and Savannah.
(Page 2) "What is that on your shoulder?" Sean asked.
"Oh, this little guy?" Savannah asked, "His name is Fuz. He is a Wuzzle."
"I've never heard of a Wuzzle before," said Caroline, "Is he real?"
"Of course he's real," Savannah said, "But only if you believe in him. Do you want to hold him?" All of the children said yes and took turns holding Fuz.
Picture: Savannah and Fuz
(Page 3) "There is more where Fuz came from!" Savannah smiled, "Look at this."
She held in her hand a pretty little fairy.
"Oh! She's so beautiful!" cried Zasia.
"Can I hold her?" asked Aly.
"Me next!" said Kristina.
Picture: Fairy
(Page 4) After the classmates were able to see the fairy, Savannah brought in her friend, the troll. He, Sam, Delaney, and Kadilobari began laughing and telling riddles.
"Why is a Teddy Bear always hungry?" asked the troll.
"Why?" asked the children.
"Because he's stuffed!" the troll laughed.
Picture: Troll
(Page 5) Savannah then took the class outside to the fish pond out in the garden. To everyone's surprise it had grown into a small lake!
Picture: Lake
(Page 6) A mermaid was waiting on the rocks for them. Ryan A. got to look in the mermaid's mirror, and Robin brushed the mermaid's hair with her magic brush.
"You are so pretty," said Zoe.
"You are all beautiful too." the mermaid told them, "Just remember it is also important to be beautiful on the inside."
Picture: Mermaid
(Page 7) "What's that?" asked Ethan and pointed at the water.
"I think it is a sea serpent! Cool!" cried Rufus, as he and Ethan both crawled up on the sea serpent's back.
Picture: Sea Serpent
(Page 8) "What's next?" Sari asked Savannah.
"Here is something you might enjoy," said Savannah, leading the class to the field between the garden and the playground. It had two magical winged horses.
Sari was able to get a ride on one of them way up in the air.
Picture: Horses
(Page 9) "Oh cool! A fire bird" said Sean, running up to it. "This is the best creature yet!"
"Be careful not to burn yourself!" Ms. Beyer warned. The bird sang a happy tune and put on a flying show for them all.
Picture: Firebird
(Page 10) "Wow!" Miles gasped,
"A dragon!" Caroline smiled.
"Is he dangerous?" asked Will.
"Of course not," said Savannah. "Go right ahead."
"This is so awesome!" Kyler said as he petted the dragon's scales.
Picture: Dragon
(Page 11)
"Another dragon!" Devon pointed.
"So cool!" Christopher cried.
"Totally!" Ryan R. agreed.
Picture: Dragon
(Page 12) "Are there any more animals?" Sam asked.
"I'm afraid not," said Savannah, "but all of you have been so good. I will make sure to come again soon." After all of the children had said goodbye to Savannah and her magical creatures, everything disappeared with a snap of Savannah's fingers.
Picture: Snapping fingers
(Page 13) Then, to everyone's surprise they were back in their cottage and nothing had changed.
"I'm sorry class," said Ms. Beyer, "I have some bad news. Kristina's sister cannot visit us today. She will have to come some other time." The children were all confused. Savannah hadn't come? Had it all been their imaginations?
Picture: Unchanged classroom
(Page 14) What do you think?
Picture: Fuz half-way behind pencil cup.

Color Key:
Normal- dialogue and written story
Red- pictures or elements inside pictures I have not yet drawn
Blue- pictures I have drawn.

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