Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blood Enemies

"What makes you so certain that you will succeed where so many others before you have failed?" The Queen inquired of me. She was as intimidating as she was beautiful: and so very out of my league, I reminded myself.
" I have my own reasons for wanting the Warlock dead, and both you and I have nothing to lose by sending me." I replied as to evade the question, "And should I prevail I ask for no reward save for the satisfaction I will receive."
In truth I would receive no satisfaction whatsoever, but I could not stand the idea of being paid to kill someone. The Queen thought about my appealing offer for a moment before nodding.
"Very well Lord Tristan. I grant you leave for your quest." She said.
I bowed in respect before turning and leaving the hall. Once outside of the Queen's palace my waiting pet crow, Corbie, flew to my shoulder.
"Craw!" she cried, flapping her wings with impatience to hear the news.
"We got him," I assured her. "We got him."
Corbie quieted and I was left to my thoughts. Did we want to get him? Could I slit his throat when the time came? I had no choice now. I would have to go through with it.
The journey to the Warlocks Manor took three days. With Corbie scouting the road ahead we avoided all physical danger but each step I took was harder to take than the last. Only Corbie gave me the strength to keep from running as fast and far away as I could. When we reached the Manor the door was unlocked and unguarded. We walked straight on through into the parlor. The Warlock stood beside the fireplace mantle looking out of the big bay window.
"Hello Tristan. I've been expecting you." He said without looking my way.
"You have gone way to far Jeremiah." I said placing my sword between him and myself.
"Come to kill me?" He laughed, "We both know you aren't strong enough."
"Why did you do it Jerry?" I asked dropping the swords tip to the ground, "Why did you do it?"
"Because I can. Wouldn't you do the same if you could? If you had the power?"
"No. I wouldn't."
"Poor Tristan. So weak. I will miss you when you are dead, I really will." He began to pull his wand from his sleeve.
"Craw!" Corbie cried out in warning. A surge of adrenaline coursed through me. I pulled up my sword, ran toward him, and raked my blade across his neck. Jeremiah gasped and collapsed against the wall.
"I guess... I was... mistaken." Jerry managed to pant. Then his eyes closed and he crumpled to the floor. I fell to my knees with him. I closed my eyes and gasped for air. A hand fluttered to my shoulder. It was Corbie. Jeremiah's spell had been lifted from her upon his death. She returned to being the black haired, dark eyed beauty she had been before.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked looking at Jeremiah's face. Even in death it was clear we had been identical. "Why didn't you tell me he was your brother?"
I closed my eyes again to keep the tears from escaping and hissed,
"That man is not my brother."

Reflection: I love, love, love writing about betrayals, especially between brothers. It is the ultimate evil to betray those who have given you nothing but love and loyalty. The best part that I like about Blood Enemies is Tristan's mindset; just who is betraying whom?

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